Why Open Data?
Our eight Western Sydney City Deal Councils population is expected to grow from 1,070,000 in 2016 to over 1,534,450 million by 2036. We provide vital services to our community but face the challenges of growing demand and limited resources. Therefore we have to find new ways of working and providing services to our community.
As part of the transformation process we will be using data to inform decision making such as to advocate for policy change, streamline processes, improve access to information to deliver better services and increase community participation, satisfaction, transparency and economic opportunity.
We’ve also partnered with the Federal and State governments to proactively assess data with the intention to open as much data as practical and share with each other to support data-driven decision making and deliver better outcomes for our communities across The Parks.
Western Sydney City Deal
City Deals are a new approach in Australia, bringing together the three levels of government (local, state and federal), the community and private enterprise to create place-based partnerships. They work to align the planning, investment and governance necessary to accelerate growth and job creation, stimulate urban renewal and drive economic reforms.
The Western Sydney City Deal, is the single largest planning, investment and delivery partnership in the history of the nation. It is a 20 year agreement between the three levels of government to deliver a one-in-a-generation transformation of Sydney's outer west - creating the Western Parkland City.
Western Parkland City Sensor Network Project
This project deploys a shared, scalable sensing and data sharing network across eight local councils in the Western Parkland City.
To achieve this project the eight local councils partnered with Sydney Water, UoW and UNSW to use technology to tackle and collect data on some of the big issues impacting on city living. The project has four use cases: Heat & Air Quality, Water Quality, People Sensing and Sportsground management.
Each Council has their own Open Data Portal site and the WPC site combines eight datasets to create a centralised WPC dataset view and repository.
Find out more
What data are you looking for?
Visit the eight local City Council Open Data sites
17/05/21: The Western City Deal Council's soft launched our Western Parkland Councils Open Data Portal with one centralised datasets across the eight Councils. We are super excited to start the journey of opening our data.
24/08/20: Eight local city councils in the Western Parkland have joined a collaboration with Opendatasoft and Peclet Technology to deliver their data sharing and visualation solution.
23/11/18: The Western Sydney Parkland Sensor Network project will receive $700,000 from Round Two of the Federal Government's Smart Cities and Suburbs program. The aim of the project is to install a sensor network across the Western Parkland City to collect data that will be used in the reduction of congestion and the more efficient use of lighting and irrigation in public areas.
19/03/18: The Western City Deal includes a commitment from 8 local city council's to open their datasets.